I Am Your Keeper - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am Your Keeper

I Am your keeper that does not slumber nor sleep, says the Lord. You can rest, assured that I Am shielding you, protecting you, taking meticulous care of you. I Am a God of detail, and there is nothing I by-pass, nothing I miss, and nothing that I forget to do. It all comes into alignment with My Work that is infallible and perfect. I did not bring you this far to abandon you now. I have brought you through much. I have helped you through everything that you have faced before, and I will not abandon you now. I have given you much, and you have received much. There is much more that I have for you, and as you lean on Me and trust in Me and My help,  you will discover that I do all things well in you, for you, and through you by My Holy Spirit that is with you and in you, says the Lord.

I Am with you to give you good success as you follow My lead, depend upon Me, and take the gifts that I have given you and invest them with integrity and energetic pursuit. Do not call them small and insignificant! Do not bury them in the sand and forget them. Do not bury yourself. You are not dead. I Am not dead. I Am the Living One that is within you! I will use you for My glory as your heart is filled with not only thanksgiving for what I have given you, but who I have created you to be,  and what I have authored and empowered and equipped you to do for My glory. Take these steps and know that I have not only ordered them, but I have ordained your life for the purposes that I have for you. Honor Me, and I will honor you, and as you put your trust in Me at all times, you will never be disappointed, says the Lord.

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