I See Your Silent Suffering - Prophetic Light

I See Your Silent Suffering

I see your silent suffering and bottle every tear that you shed, says the Lord.  I know the pain that you bear.  I see the times when you feel overwhelmed with intense loneliness even when you are with others.  You are lonely in your pain.  Your thoughts trouble you and there are many things that you cannot share with others that cause you to feel isolated and alone.  I Am with you in these dark times and at all times as your friend that sticks closer than a brother.  I will never leave you alone.  I will never abandon you. No matter how sad that you feel, I will be with you to turn your sorrow into joy, and comfort you on all sides.  I will bring you through every difficulty and uncertainty, for I will help you.  I understand everything about you and know how you feel.  I Am touched by the very feeling of your infirmities.  I do not leave it there; for I Am faithfully at your side to help you in any time of your trouble.  Though you are troubled on every side, I have come along side to help.  You will not stumble in the darkness that has invaded your territory, for I will shine forth My presence and glory and give you light. I will keep you from stumbling and falling as I hold you up with My own Right hand, says the Lord.

Though  you may cry through the long, lonely, dark night,  I will break through the darkness and give you light, says the Lord. The morning will break.  I have set you in My family.  I will comfort all that mourn.  My joy awaits you in the morning.  I will turn your sorrow into joy.  My light will penetrate and remove the darkness that surrounds you and I will lead you into the brand new day that I create for you.  Your heart will sing and rejoice again in My goodness and mercy that follows you.  You will know that I have been with you through the long night and make for you a brand new day where you will declare, “This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.”  As you have wept, you will rejoice.  As you have sorrowed, you will have My great, unspeakable joy.  As you have suffered pain, I will heal your wounds and remove the cup of trembling from your hand that you have been drinking from.  I will give you My cup of blessing, and the despair will be a thing of the past.  Trust that I Am with you always. For I  declare, “Behold, I make all things new.”  Yes, this is My purpose and plan for you, as I break through the suffering and come to you as the Son of righteousness with healing in My wings, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, propheticlight.org. For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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