The New Has Already Begun - Prophetic Light Prophecies

The New Has Already Begun

The new has already begun, says the LORD. It has begun in you. I Am making you new in Me by My Spirit. I Am settling you. I Am establishing you. I Am establishing in you the newness and nowness of My presence and power and glory. My Word is forever settled and established in heaven, and I Am establishing you in My infallible Word. I Am establishing you in My work! I Am establishing you in My will. For My Word and My Work and My Will are always in alignment and agreement and always congruent and inseparable, says the LORD.

I Am aligning you with My Word and My Work and My will, says the LORD. I Am bringing you into agreement and unity with Me! My Word is unsurpassed, penetrating, healing, saving, life giving and unfailing. As you align with My Word, you will be in line with My will, and MY work shall be established in you and around you and through you as you link up with Me and let Me settle you and establish My perfect will in you. It is a NOW settling and a now alignment and a now establishing. For My purposes will unfold and I will establish you into your full kingdom position and purpose as you abandon yourself to Me and become one with Me. For it is My good pleasure to give you the kingdom, and that as I Am in heaven, you will be on earth, and that you will enforce My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and take new territory for Me and My Kingdom, says the LORD.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. You can also donate through Zelle, using our email address, [email protected]. Thank you and May GOD richly bless you.

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