Love is the Key - Prophetic Light
Love is the Key

Love is the Key

Love is the key to your harvest, says the Lord.  Love is the key.  Love radically.  Love genuinely.  Love constantly as I do.  I AM love, and I want you to be just as I Am.  Love never fails.  I never fail to love you.  I love you unconditionally.  I love you at all times.  I want you to love this way.  As you love others you will begin to see that you will receive a harvest of love.  You cannot give without it being given unto you in good measure.  LOVE NEVER wounds, and the love you receive will not wound you!  There is no fear in love.  The love I give is absent of fear.  Real love that comes from Me does not have fear attached to it.  You can love this way, for I have given you MY love to live and give.  As you do, you will be as I AM.  You will be transformed into My express image.  You have said that you want to look like Me and act like Me and be like Me.  Then just love without strings attached.  Love your enemies. Love your neighbors. Love one another as I have loved you!  Just do this consistently in obedience to Me, says the LORD.

The harvest of love goes beyond being loved, says the Lord.  Everything that is laced with My love will bring you a harvest.  Love to give.  I said I love a cheerful giver.  I did not say that I did not love one who does not give cheerfully.  But I want you to give because you love Me first, and then love others.  You will be blessed when you give out of a pure heart of love.  I have placed My love within you to love this way.  Serve because you Love Me.  Let this your motivation.  You will receive a bountiful harvest of all you serve because you are serving Me out of a heart of love.  Serving others proves your love to Me, says the Lord.

I Am rewarding you for every selfless act of obedience, says the Lord.  It was My selfless act of obedience to the Father that caused Me to lay down My life for you.   I went to the cross out of obedience and love for the Father, and I did it out of love for you.  I want you to have heaven’s best, and there is only pure love in heaven.  As you pray, My kingdom come, My will be done on earth  and in you as it is in heaven, you know that this is going to result in pure love out of a heart that I have made pure by My shed blood, and the harvest, the bountiful harvest that I give you will also be pure and perfect as I have made you to be, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “GOODS and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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