Do Not Despair - Prophetic Light

Do Not Despair


Do not despair, says the Lord.  Do not despair.  I am securing you.  I am helping you.  I am with you.  Oh, do NOT DESPAIR! You are not walking in darkness.  The light of My countenance is illuminating the path in front of you. Yes, each step that I order for you to take is secure.  I am holding you up, and keeping you from falling. I will not let you go, so do not, do not fear!   I Am always that place of safety for you, and you are never out of My sight!  Just keep on walking.  Keep on trusting Me.  No power can take you out of My hands, says the Lord.

Just believe that the place that I have prepared for you is good, says the LORD.   I have nothing bad to offer.  Trust that I Am leading you toward your destiny in Me.  You are making progress.  You are on your way to your highest heart’s desire and the fulfillment of the vision that I have birthed in you.  You did not think that I would purpose for you and not help you to get there, did you?  That is not possible, says the Lord. For the thoughts that I have for you are good thoughts.  My thoughts and My plans are My will and My work, and I always DO WHAT I PURPOSE AND PLAN, with no exception.  I perform the thoughts and intent of MY heart.   I have birthed this in you, so that you are moving into your kingdom purpose.  For as you have believed, so shall it be!  Yes, keep trusting and believing that there is NOTHING that can stop you from your destiny in Me, because I AM with you to insure your success.  Despair is not for you.  Just trust and obey, and know that I Am securing you every step of the way, says the Lord.

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