I Am Holding You Are In the Palm of My Hand - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am Holding You Are In the Palm of My Hand

I Am holding you in the palm of my hand, says the Lord. You are not going to slip out of My fingers. I have a tight hold on you. My hands have created you. My hands provide for you. My hands heal you. My hands protect you, and you are safe in the Palm of My Hand.   I watch over the Words that I have decreed over you to preform them, as I watch over you. Trust that I Am on task. My Spirit is moving. I Am working on your behalf. I Am not oblivious of your needs, and you are always in My sight. I cannot forget you, and always hear the cry of your heart, says the Lord.

Entrust yourself in My care, says the Lord. Know that I care for you! Know that I , Who created you, Know everything about you and Am aware of your need. I Am not denying you any good thing. You can depend upon My care! I will meet your need and give you the desires of your heart, as you wait on Me, and trust that your times are in My hands. You will not be overlooked and you will not be disappointed. I will give you good things to enjoy and bring you into your personal promised land that is flowing with milk and honey. You will not go without, and you will have blessings upon blessings as you trust in My care for you and receive all that My hand has provided for you. I daily load you with benefits, and you are not a stranger or foreigner to Me, but a precious child. My promises to you will be fulfilled, and you will know that there has been no breach of promise, no broken covenant, but I will honor My Word spoken over you and cause it to happen on time, and it will be fully realized and fulfilled, says the Lord.

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