I Am Promoting You in My Presence

I Am promoting you in My presence, says the Lord.   I Am bringing you up higher.  Get ready for the elevator ride in Me.  You have asked for more. You have desired to get out of stagnation.  I said, “Yes.”  My answer is, “Yes!”  Trust Me with this.  New things are risky.  New things can make you uneasy.  But it is an adventure in Me.  Boring and mundane is NOT ME.  Abundant life in Me includes elevation and repositioning.  It doesn’t have to be scary when you know the outcome is good.  I never lead you into darkness, but I always give you light.  I never create anything that would cause your heart to fear.  That is the work of the enemy that I came to defeat, says the Lord.

Do not fear the changes that are ahead in the new place in Me that you will discover, says the LORD.  It is really good!  I am restoring vision. I am restoring boldness. I am restoring confidence. I am restoring your youthfulness! I am restoring health!   I am restoring you.  Trust Me in these changes that I am authoring.  Trust that I have never lead you astray.  The wisdom, the understanding, the counsel, the grace that you need for this season that is upon you is a given!  Are you ready?  You said you wanted more.  You said you wanted to advance.  You said you wanted to go higher.  So what are you waiting for?  It is time to advance in My presence and it is time for you to experience the NEW, says the Lord.

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