Refocus Your Attention On Me

Refocus your attention on Me, says the Lord. Turn away from the fears and doubts that plague your mind and clutter your life. Let My mind be in you so that you think My higher thoughts and go in My Higher ways. For though I direct your path, I do so with My Word that enlightens your path. Let My Word that is settled in heaven be settled in your heart and mind and life.  For you will go in the direction that your thoughts take you. Greater works require greater faith, and greater faith comes from My superior Word that cannot be nullified or overridden. My Word of faith is not passive, but active. Activate it in you. It begins in your heart, but it must not remain there. Action is what I want. Act on My Word. Let it be in your heart and come out of your mouth, and let My Word renew your mind. Then it will produce exactly what I said and you repeat and believe, and become a tangible reality in you, around you, and then becomes you, says the Lord.

For as you shift from the confines of the feeble flesh into the limitless power of My Spirit, you will no longer be a prisoner of hopelessness, says the Lord. You will not be ruled by the darkness of this world. You will not only overcome, but you will overwhelm the enemy. You were not merely made of physical material that is fallible, but My supernatural substance that cannot be destroyed. It is My Spirit within you that creates! My Spirit heals. My Spirit cannot be defeated,  and My Spirit rules. The sword of My Spirit is My Word in your mouth. Let My Word resound again and again, relentlessly out of your mouth. For out of My mouth proceeds a two-edged sword. Let it be the weapon of your choice that cannot be defeated as it proceeds out of your mouth. Did Not I say that My Word is Spirit and life?  It will produce life in you and around you, says the Lord. As you stand in Me and My Word, you will never fall. As you proclaim My Word, you will see it happen.  Stand in total agreement and alignment with Me and My Word and see the fullness of the greater works that will display My power and glory on earth as it is in heaven, says the Lord.

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