Rest in Me - Prophetic Light

Rest in Me

Rest in Me, says the Lord.  Cease from trying to resolve the issues of your life and those you love with your own abilities and understanding and efforts.  You cannot do this alone.  Allow Me to work in your life and those that you love as you lean upon Me and My infinite understanding.  Let Me take care of you and those that you love.  You have done what you could do.  Now shift the burden upon Me and rest.  Let Me carry the load of yourself and others. Let Me take those heavy burdens as you give them to Me.  Decide that you have done enough worrying and made enough efforts to solve the problems.  Give them completely over to Me.  Give yourself and those that you love completely over to My care, for I Am capable.  I Am not limited in resources.  I have an endless supply of Knowledge, wisdom and power and I can change people, places and things.  I can do all things, and I Am willing.  Come and take up My easy yoke and light burden and give Me the weights of yours.  Nothing is too difficult for Me and you will discover the rest that I have for you in My presence as you relinquish to Me the burdens that you were not meant to bear, says the Lord.

As long as you hang onto the cares of this life you will be burdened down, says the Lord.  It is time for the shifting of things.  You take the light and give me the heavy.  You let Me have the reins as you lay your head on My shoulder and entrust this journey to My infinite love and care for you.  Trust that I Am for you and not against you.  Trust that there is nothing that I will withhold from you that will be good for you.  Trust that I love those that you care about more than you do.  I create them.  I created you.  I can handle everything that you give to Me as you enjoy resting in Me this day, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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