My Spirit Comes Rushing in Like a Flood - Prophetic Light

My Spirit Comes Rushing in Like a Flood

My Spirit comes rushing in like a flood to raise up a standard against the enemy, says the Lord. I Am your defense. I Am not a slow responder when you call upon My name in your day of trouble! I Am the living Word, and the sword of My Spirit brings life and vitality to you, as I deliver you against the enemy of your soul. Before you even call, I have already prepared the answer. I have already declared the defeat of the enemy and your certain victory. I Am always on task, and always with you in any trouble. Do not give into the negative thoughts that are trying to distract you from your trust in Me. Do not listen to the external voices that are screaming defeat. None of these voices are sent by Me, and those opposing you are actively opposing themselves. They are opposing Me! Do not give them place anymore. I  do not want you to give place to the enemy. Forgive, release and bless those who criticize and condemn you. When they judge you, it will not hurt or destroy you, because their words are not the authority. I AM THE AUTHORITY, and ONLY MY WORD COUNTS! No curses of the enemy will cleave to you.  They are mere, empty words. But MY WORD IS DIFFERENT! MY WORD COMES WITH POWER AND AUTHORITY, and MY WORD and MY WILL and MY WORK are in complete agreement. I speak what I will, and I do as I will.  When I speak blessings, there is none that can annul MY voice! I Am speaking My blessings upon you, says the Lord.

I will bless what pertains unto you because I AM YOUR GOD. My favor rests upon you because of My infallible grace, says the Lord. I give to you because you belong to Me! I Am your loving, everlasting Father. I give good gifts, and every good thing comes from Me. I have nothing bad to offer My children. The enemy is a liar, a thief, robber and destroyer. I Am your Savior, redeemer and Lord. I give. The enemy endeavors to take. I author and preserve life. The enemy endeavors to destroy life. I heal. The enemy makes sick. I strengthen. The enemy weakens. Do not credit Me for what I cannot do. I cannot steal, kill and destroy, so do not blame that on Me. Do not agree with or side with the evil one! I came that you might have abundant life. I came to destroy the works of the devil. I came to defeat Him every time. Side with Me against the enemy. Remember that light does not agree with darkness. Do not compromise! Know this day that I Am the One who raises up a standard against the enemy that desires to destroy you. I will save you. I will defend you. I will heal you. I will deliver you. I will preserve you. I gave My life for you when I died on the cross for you. BELIEVE that I Am with you for your entire earthly sojourn, and will insure that you are undefeated as you put your faith and trust in Me, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, For International donations through pay pal, select “GOODS and Services”. Thank you, and God bless you.

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