Walk in the Liberty That I Have Given You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Walk in the Liberty That I Have Given You

Walk in the liberty that I have given you, says the Lord. Walk free. For you are not bound. You have been set free by My Spirit that is within you and My finished work on the cross. Finished is finished, and as you trust in what is already done, you will embrace it. It will not elude you. Come into the joy that I have for you. Joy is yours today and always. Partake of it by singing and making melody in your heart to Me. Sing unto Me songs of praise and thanksgiving and listen to the Love songs that I Am singing over you! I have opened the prison doors to those who are bound, and they are free. That includes you. Come out of that prison and walk free, says the Lord.

Forgive, bless and release those who have hurt you, and walk free, says the Lord. Turn them loose. For you do not have to be tied to abuse and rejection. I have not abused you or rejected you, and I will never abandon you or condemn you. Those who do so are condemning My Word and finished work in you that I accomplished on the cross. When they reject you, they reject Me. I have fully transformed your life as I brought you out of darkness into My marvelous light in My kingdom that is without end. I have adopted you into My family and given you every right and privilege as My beloved child. You are not laced in sin, but covered by My shed blood for you. You are not bound, but free to serve Me. Shake off the illegitimate things that have attached to you and walk in the liberty that is purchased for you, and you will embrace what is already accomplished for you and be able to serve Me in My Kingdom and see your purpose unfold as you partake of the new that I have created for you, and walk in that which I have established for you. For I have set things in order for you. They are not out of order as you focus on Me and turn away from the things that were, and receive what now is, and shall be, says the Lord.

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