I Will Lead and Guide You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Lead and Guide You

I will lead and guide you continually, for I order every step that you take and I will provision every step of the way, says the Lord. Even as I have begun a good work in you, I will complete and perfect it. I Am your creator and I have not abandoned you, nor will I ignore you. I always finish what I start without fail or mistake. In never have a make-over or a do-over. I get it right the first time and on time. Listen to My voice on the inside of you and follow Me, for I AM leading, setting the pace and provisioning everything that you need. Nothing is missing. I will perfect that which concerns you and you will complete the purpose that I have created you for. Your destiny in Me is ahead of you as I continue to download what you need into you. Believe and receive My finished work on the cross. For all that you need has already been accomplished and it belongs to you, says the Lord.

All that you are is in Me, says the Lord. I said you are complete in Me. Come and receive all your need as you entrust yourself to Me. Come in simple, child-like, dependent faith. When I said, “By My stripes you were healed,” then you are. Believe and receive. Stand in Me and My Word, for it is accomplished for you. I Am your all in all, and I watch over My Word to perform it. I look too and fro through the earth for those who will honor Me as they honor My Word and finished Work on the cross. I will honor you as you stand in Me and repeat after Me in unwavering faith. Repeat My Word that is already spoken, for it cannot change, will not lie and I will perform it as you declare it and believe it and receive it, says the Lord.

This is Prophet June Sheltrown, Prophetic Light International. Please send your donations to 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525, or use the donation button on our website, propheticlight.org. For International donations through pay pal, select “Goods and Services”. You can also donate through Zelle, using our email address, [email protected]. Thank you and May God richly bless you.

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