I Will Not Be Mocked - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Not Be Mocked

Do not despair, for I will not be mocked, says the Lord. You will reap what you sow. I will not fail you, and you will not fail or fall. I Am faithful to My Word, and I Am faithful in My work, and I will supply your need and give you the help that you need. For My Word is trustworthy even as My name, and My Spirit is moving and working, always. I Am the cause and the effect. I Am your source at all times. I cannot lie, and I will help you. I Am your provider, and nothing has changed. Trust in Me at all times and hold fast to your profession of faith in Me and you will not be shaken in these difficult, stormy times that you are facing, says the Lord.

For I Am faithful, and I will not withhold anything good from you, says the Lord. I will portion you and help you and counsel you and comfort you. I will cause you to prosper in Me and show you the path that you are to walk in and order your steps. Trust in Me. Trust that I have you, and Am in control. Trust that I, who have kept you all the days of your life, will not abandon you now. I Am changeless, and what I have done in the past, I will do again. I have prepared for you and positioned you and provisioned you and protected you and preserved you in the past and today is no different. I am your sufficiency. I Am your source. I Am your supply, says the Lord.

My Word is My Word, and I keep it, says the Lord. I honor it! I do it! I have done so in the past, and I will do the same now and forever. I Am consistent and unchanging! I Am capable and will do even more, according to your faith and trust in Me. Hold on. Hold fast. Be unwavering in your faith, for I am unwavering and unchanging in My power and presence, and I will take care of you, even as I have said, and you will not be destroyed or denied or detoured, but delivered and furnished and fat and full of My blessings that I have reserved for those who love Me, honor Me and serve Me, says the Lord.

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