Your Great Shepherd - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Your Great Shepherd

As you entrust your care to Me as your Great Shepherd, I will shield you and protect you at all times, says the Lord. Stay in the fold and close to Me and do not stray outside My place of safety in My presence. For I will protect you from the jaws of the lions, even as I shut the mouths of the lions in the den where My servant, Daniel of old was cast. He could not be devoured and I would not let Him be destroyed, because He trusted in Me, followed hard after Me and pleased Me with His faith. I Am no respecter of persons, and you are not an exception. I will take care of you, and no enemy will prevail against you to harm you as you please Me by your faith and obedience. For faith in Me requires action on your part. Faith will not only hear Me, but will obey My voice and follow Me. It is My purpose to cover you, provision you and keep you safe at all times, say the Lord.

I will protect you from the claws of the bear, as the sheep of My pasture, says the Lord. For I will fight for you and see to it that the enemy will not prevail over you. I will guard you and shelter you and be that place of safety for you at all times. In my presence is provision as well. You will not have to beg for bread as My child, for on the table is fresh, daily bread. I will even show you the hidden manna that is held in reserve for you to discover. My grace is abundant and free for you as you simply follow My lead as your Shepherd. You will always be led to still waters, plush green pastures,  and I will know you and call you by name, not a number. I will speak, and you will hear My voice and recognize it. You will know that you can trust in Me, for I have laid down My life for you so that you can live, not just for time, but eternity. You are bought with a price that I fully paid for you by My finished work on the cross and shed blood for you. As I live, My resurrection power is life in you and you will not only be kept by My power, but have abundant life in Me, says the Lord.

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