Instant Healing of Fibroid Tumors - Prophetic Light News

Instant Healing of Fibroid Tumors

This woman was crying because she was experiencing so much pain from fibroid tumors in her abdomen. We went to their home on a Saturday evening for supper. She was scheduled to have surgery on following Monday. Earlier that day she had a vision where the Lord told her a pastor was going to come and help her but did not tell her what the help was. She thought that she would be given money to help her pay for the surgery. She did not know that she would be instantly healed when I laid hands on her. Her tears were turned to laughter and she raised her hands and proclaimed, “I’m free!.”

Before we left she mantles me with a Shuka, a great honor. The scheduled surgery was cancelled. She was completely healed and pain free. We give glory to God. Also her daughter and her husband were instantly healed and he was filled with the Holy Spirit baptism.

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