Praying Your Faith Never Fails

I Am praying for you that your faith does not fail, says the Lord. For though the enemy desires to sift you as wheat, I have stood in the gap for you. I Am your defense. Don’t give up! Don’t wave the white flag in surrender to the enemy that only desires to take you into captivity. Do not compromise. You cannot have a truce with him, for he will never do you any good. There is no way you can appease him, and he will not be satisfied with anything less than death. I have come to give you life and peace, and have empowered you to overcome the enemy and conquer him. Though he desires to trample on you, I have given you the power to tread on him, says the Lord.

I stand alongside to help you, says the Lord. Be patient in tribulations! Stand up and fight back. For your victory is assured. Though you are tried in the fire, you will come out of the fire with no harm. What the enemy devised against you will go against him. Instead of weakening you, you will become stronger. Rather than destroying you as he plans, you will arise and destroy his diabolical works with Me. For your patient endurance is noted in heaven, and you will be openly rewarded on earth. Know that your present trials are light afflictions compared to the glory that will be revealed. I Am the Lord of glory, and I will come in fury and glory, and the light of My glory will be seen on you. I will fill you with My glory, and you will be used for My glory as never before. For out of the difficulties you will rise up in newness of life and power. You will be promoted in My kingdom as a trustworthy warrior, as you overcome by My blood that was shed for you, says the Lord.

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