A New Song - Prophetic Light Prophecies

A New Song

I will give you a new song with a new sound, says the Lord. For the former things that have bogged you down and kept you entrapped will not stay My hand. I will come in fury against the enemy that has threatened you and rescue you from his arrogant and illegitimate assaults and insults against you. His weapons formed against you will not destroy you but will be dismantled, and his diabolical works will be destroyed by My Sword, says the Lord.

Do not fear, but sing new songs of victory, says the Lord. For I will be a terror to the terror, an enemy to the enemy, and a threat to the enemy that threatens you. I will stand with you and defend you, and you will Know that as I cannot be defeated, neither can those who trusts in Me be overcome by the evil one. I will fight for you, and you will know that the battle is not yours, but Mine. I Am the uncontested champion Who will secure you and cause you to triumph in Me always, says the Lord.

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