I will give you the breakthrough that you are longing for as you press into My presence and glory, says the Lord. For it is not what you can do, but what I will do for you.   Your joy will be full, not partial.  Your purpose will be fulfilled, not just in part.  Your heart will rejoice, and not be sorrowful.  For I will break through the darkness that is around you and give you light. I will break through the sickness and give you healing. I will break through the impossibilities and give you what you have longed for and waited for Me to give. Your faith and trust in Me will not be without reward, says the Lord.

I Am your reward, and I reward those who diligently seek Me, says the Lord.  Come into My presence and eat at My table right next to Me, where you will enjoy fellowship and friendship with Me.  I will give you all that you need as you make Me your pursuit.  Do not wait.  Do not put your trust in anyone or anything that will fall short of your need and expectation.  I Am your source at all times, and your faith in Me will make you whole. It will become your tangible reality as you are given breakthrough and embrace the desires of your heart, says the Lord.

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