External Difficulties - Prophetic Light Prophecies

External Difficulties

Don’t allow your external difficulties that you face trouble your heart, says the Lord. For they are not to rule over you. Do not let that which is around you, become you. Focus on Me, for I desire that you become like Me. I have not only empowered you to overcome the evil one, but I have given you the sword of My Spirit to destroy his diabolical works. I have given you My light that you will become a beacon in the dark corners of your region. I have created you for My glory that will be seen on you. Do not put on darkness and depression as a garment, but cloak yourself with My mantle of grace and glory, says the Lord.

For that which I have for you is eternal, says the Lord. I Am light and life in you, and My light will put out the darkness around you. My life in you will defeat the enemy. For what I have for you cannot be taken away from you. Focus on the life, and joy in your salvation. For you are not called for trouble, but to conquer the land of your promise and receive an inheritance in My kingdom that is without end. Put Me on.  Arise above the environs that are vying for your attention, and come and fly with Me, above the conflict, above the darkness, above the chaos, and soar like an eagle, effortless and carefree. For I Am great in the midst of you, and you will rise and shine in the light of My glory and grace, says the Lord.

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