Give Place to Me

Give place to Me, says the Lord. Give Me all the room to work in your life and do not give any place to the enemy. Do not give place to him in your mind and thoughts, but give place to My thoughts in you that are higher than yours. Think big and beyond! Enlarge your thinking to line up with what I have said and what I Am now speaking. Do not listen to the voice of the enemy or think those thoughts, and do not concentrate on what he is doing. Let My mind be in you and your mind be renewed by My Word. For My Word and My Work and My Will are the same and in perfect agreement. They are inseparable. I desire you to be inseparable with My Word. For as you speak My Word as it flows out of the abundance of your heart, you will be in agreement with Me and My will, and it shall be done, says the Lord.

Give no place to the enemy in you body and your emotions, but Let Me reign over them as well, says the Lord. Let Me occupy your emotions. Let Me permeate you with Myself and you will not have room to be invaded by the enemy and his cohorts. Let Me fill you to capacity with My Spirit and My truth so that there is no place for the enemy’s deception and diabolical works in your life. Let the power of My Spirit of faith fill you to overflowing and see that not only will you not be giving place to the enemy, but you will be on the offensive and invade his strongholds and tear down the walls of the enemy and advance My Kingdom on earth as you push him back and take new territory for Me, says the Lord.

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