Good Is My Word - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Good Is My Word

Good is My Word for you, for I Am good, says the Lord. Will you have an ear for the good Word that I have for you? I Am good! My thoughts toward you are good all the time. Will you listen to the good news that I want to convey to you, or will you focus your attention on the negative news and voices that propagate fear and doubt and unbelief? I have not changed. I Am the Savior, not the destroyer. Didn’t I say that I would rebuke the destroyer for your sake? How can you see Me as the author of destruction? I Am your builder and maker, and I do all things well. Change your perspective and see what I want you to see. Think what I want you to think, and hear My voice that is uplifting you by My love, says the Lord.

Love is Who I Am, and what I do, and what I have for you all the time, says the Lord. Nothing can separate you from My love. It is always present, as I Am ever-present. Open your eyes to see Me, and allow Me to lavish My unchanging and unconditional love upon you. I will hold you close to My heart, and reassure you that I value you and desire intimate fellowship and friendship with you. Close your ears to the illegitimate voices that promote fear. Trust that I Am for you and not against you, and want the best for you. Do not sell yourself short of what I have for you. For as you seek Me, you will find Me, and experience My love and mercy and grace that is unimpeachable and constant. For you have access to Me and all that I have for you. You have acceptance from Me, and I await you to come near to Me in My presence, says the Lord.

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