I Will Heal Your Broken Heart - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Heal Your Broken Heart

I will heal your broken heart and fractured life, says the Lord. I Am touched by the very feelings of your infirmity. I see and know and feel your pain, and I will comfort you on every side. I have not abandoned you, abused you, rejected you or inflicted pain upon you, but I will remove it from you. I Am your healer. I will give you joy for your sorrow and pour in the oil and wine of My Spirit and give you rest, says the Lord.

You are unforgettable to Me, says the Lord. I have inscribed My great name upon you, sealed you with My Spirit and claim you as My own. You are greatly beloved of Me and highly valuable. I will never sell you or auction you off to the highest bidder, but will hold you close to My heart as I embrace you. I will never let you go, and no one can pluck you out of My hands. Let Me lavish My love upon you and confirm that you are My beloved. There is nothing that you need that I will not abundantly give and I will not withhold any good thing from you. I have only good things in store for you and am releasing hidden treasures for you that will exceed your greatest expectations. For I love to woo you, wow you, and bless you abundantly as My cherished child, says the Lord.

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