I Am Not Sleeping - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am Not Sleeping

I Am not sleeping, says the Lord. I Never shut My eyes. I Am always alert and ready to act on your behalf. I Am never tired, and I never need to rest. My eyes are upon you, and I see every detail of your existence and know all that you need. You can rest in My care, for I Am on task and on schedule in all that pertains to you. I never plan detours for you, and I do not create a maze for you so that you are confused and frustrated. The path is straight ahead as I clear the way for you, order your steps, and enlighten them so that you do not stumble or fall, says the Lord.

All is well! You are safe in My arms, says the Lord. Don’t fret about the future that is unknown to you. For I have it all planned and mapped out for you. I will set the pace and lead the way. You don’t have to send out a scout to discover the traps that the enemy sets for you, for I am aware. Nothing is hid from Me, and the darkness is light to Me. I will make a way for you where there is no way and foil the enemy’s plans. He will not destroy My works, but I will destroy His, and I will complete My good work in you that I have begun, and My promises for you will be fulfilled, as you receive them by simple, childlike faith in Me, says the Lord.

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