I Am Still at Work - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am Still at Work

I Am still at work, says the Lord. Did you think that I Am just sitting still with My hands folded, doing nothing but observation? I Am moving. I Am full of activity. I Am governing, controlling, creating, and commanding. I Am at work in your life. I Am working in the things you see and things you do not see. I Am working in the things you know and things you do not know. I Am a God of detail, and nothing gets past My attention. My counsel stands! There is nothing missing and nothing overlooked in your life. For every preparation is perfect and complete. I cannot forget My purposes, and they will unfold to the finest detail that I have planned for you, says the Lord.

Look for the good things that I have authorized for you, says the Lord.  For I have no bad news, no bad gifts, and no bad thoughts and intentions for you at all. I Am good! I Am the lover of your soul. My love is unchangeable and cannot be separated from those who trust in Me and My salvation. I Am your Savior and your Lord, and have redeemed you by My precious blood that can never be defeated. You can depend upon My unfailing grace for you and unimpeachable love. I Am love, and My unfailing love for you will be made manifest in the lives of those who trust in Me. You are not exempt. You are precious and priceless to Me, Who has fearfully and wonderfully made you. You are My workmanship that is without flaws, and you will stand before Me as a complete and perfect work that is clean and pure and faultless, because I have given you a perfect heart in Me, as you have received Me as your Savior and Lord of your life, says the Lord.

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