I Am the Unspeakable Gift

I Am the unspeakable gift, and I Am the Giver, says the Lord. I have given you Myself, and I have given you all that I have. For I Am the benefit, and I daily load you with benefits! You are radically and wonderfully blessed. Look at what I have given you, for My gifts cannot be extracted from you, ever. I did not come to inflict you, but heal you. I came to empower you, not to weaken you. I came to give you increase, not to extract from you. I came to carry you into new realms of My glory, not to push you down. I came to lighten your load as you shift every weight and burden onto Me, and link up with Me. For I have an easy yoke and light burden, and you will not be taxed, but have rest for your soul, says the Lord.

Unburden yourself now, says the Lord. For I never expected you to be encumbered with cares. I do not want the care this life to distract you so that you become unfruitful, as you focus on them. Cast them off now! Onto Me! I Will carry all of them, for they are not a problem to Me. I will carry you, and you will not even have to feel the burden yourself. Rest in Me completely as you give Me every care and entrust Me with your life and the lives of those you love. I will carry them all, and you can let Me handle all of it, always. You will enjoy the rest and peace that I have for you, that will sustain you as you entrust Me with your care and let Me care for you completely, always, says the Lord.

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