Keep pouring out as a conduit of My Spirit and glory, and I will keep pouring into you, says the Lord. For you will pour into empty vessels the oil of My Spirit. As you do, it will flow like a river into you and out of you will spring forth the rivers of life. My power was meant to flow, and My Spirit is a spring that must burst out of you. My Spirit in you is not to become just a reservoir that becomes stagnant, but a well-spring that flows out of you, and brings life all around you, says the Lord.
Let Me pour our My Spirit into you for the purpose of power to pour out into others, says the Lord. The oil of My joy is not to be kept inside of you, but to erupt out of you. The fire of My Holy Spirit is not to be trapped within, but to set you ablaze with My glory. It is to become an attraction, as moths are attracted to light and fire. I will baptize you in My Spirit and My fire, and My glory will be seen on you, and My light will be in you and upon you as you release it from you. My Spirit will burn within you, and I will give you My holy fire. I will make you a spectacle as the burning bush that My servant Moses turned aside to see, and My word that is a fire will proceed out of your mouth, says the Lord.
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