Let My Fear Be in You

Do not fear what man can do, but let My fear be in you, says the Lord. For I Am unsurpassed in power and glory, and I will be known by My mighty acts in the midst of you. Be still and know that I alone Am God. I alone Am the absolute authority. I alone Am in control, and I alone Am almighty. I will deliver. I will heal. I will revive. I will provide. I will restore. I will plant, and none can pluck up what I have planted. None can undo what I do, for what I do is not able to be undone. I will give, and none can take away. For what I say is what I do, and what I do is forever, says the Lord.

Look up! Stand up, and be in awe of Me and My presence and glory, says the Lord. For as you observe the works of My hands, you will understand My magnificence. You will see that which I have created and know that there is none other beside Me that can give life and sustain it as I do. For I have sustained you that is My handiwork. I have given you unspeakable gifts, and kept you by My own hands. You have obtained grace and mercy from Me that is unchanging and powerful. Let your voice resound My praises and worship Me from your heart. Let My fear be in you, for as you recognize Me, you will be recognized by Me. For I will pour out My grace and mercy upon all who fear My great name, obey My voice, and follow Me wholeheartedly, and I will do mighty works in the midst of them, says the Lord.

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