
Be loosed from you infirmity, and be set free, says the Lord. For I have come to set you at liberty. I have come to release you from bondage, and bring you out of the darkness and surround you with the light of My glory. For there is no darkness in Me. There is no sickness in Me. There are no chains or shackles, and no prison doors in Me. There are no walls and barriers. There is just openness and vastness and freedom. Be free and loosed. Shake off the broken chains and shackles and walk free. For I have sent My breaker angel to break you free from all bondage and set you at liberty to serve Me, says the Lord.

Walk out of the darkness into My marvelous light, for you are a child of light, says the Lord. I have abundant life for you, and defeat is not an option. You are abounding in your destiny in Me, and there is nothing that can stop you or keep you back, for nothing can hold you down. Nothing can interfere or disrupt Me, and I will not have you shut in. Come out and come up! For I have decreed liberty to those who are bound, and freedom to explore the vastness of My kingdom. Look beyond, and look up. Look around and see that you are released from what has held you back, and you are free to explore the open fields of My vineyard that is ready and waiting for laborers, says the Lord.

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