Make Me Your Delight

Make Me your delight and determine to do My will and pursue Me with all of your heart, says the Lord. For your labor in Me is never in vain and never unproductive and never goes unnoticed. I keep perfect records, and I will reward you for your good works. I will delight in all those who delight in Me.  As you do the things that are pleasing to Me, you will be given the desires of your heart. You will reap a harvest of good things, and it will be a bumper crop. I will restore life and vitality in you, and you will sing with joy as you embrace the fullness of My blessings that enrich you, says the Lord.

For I will reward those who diligently seek Me, says the Lord. All who do so will find Me, for I Am not hiding from you. I desire intimate fellowship with you, and I desire to lavish My love upon you and give you sudden, unexpected surprises. I will open up My treasure house onto you and wow you with the things that I have reserved for you. You will know Me as your source of all things, and rejoice in My goodness and mercy that will be your portion all the says of your life, says the Lord.

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