Make up Your Mind - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Make up Your Mind

Make up your mind, says the Lord. Decide who and what you will serve this day. For you have a choice. Will you serve your negative circumstances? Will you bow, bend and kneel to false gods? Will you bow your head to the enemy as he endeavors to dictate your life? Will you give attention to darkness and defeat and believe that the powers of the enemy and darkness that steals, kills and destroys will have more power over you than I do? Or will you choose to believe Me? For I Am light and life. I Am power and glory. I Am wisdom and Knowledge. I Am everlasting strength. I Am the Almighty God, and there is none other beside Me. I Am the living God and the living word that will not change! I watch over My Word to perform it, and I will do great and mighty things in the midst of those who will choose Me as their only God and trust in My infallible word, says the Lord.

Do not be divided, says the Lord. Let your loyalty stay with Me. For I will not leave you, and I will not fail you. I will never impose Myself or My will on you, but I will woo you, call to you, compel you, and await your response to My voice. My ways and thoughts and plans for you are always light and life for you. Trust in Me. Know Me as your source of all things at all times. Do not let the enemy turn your head away from Me, and do not listen to his roaring voice that is vying for your attention. For he is a liar, will not benefit or further you, and will only bring destruction. Listen to My voice and believe My Word! I will not only meet your need, but give you what silver and gold can never buy. I have given you eternal life, eternal light and unspeakable gifts that cannot be duplicated or replaced. I Am everything you need at all times, and as you chose to serve Me, you will never fall nor fail, for I will uphold you and keep you from falling and furnish you unto every good work that I have created for you to fulfill, and My light and life will be in you and remain in you, says the Lord.

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