New Heights - Prophetic Light Prophecies

New Heights

I will take you to new heights in My glory, says the Lord. This is a time for you to step up. This is a time for you to ascend. Higher is what I have for you. You will not be bored, and what I have for you is new and exciting. Mundane is not what awaits you. I will show you My spectacular power and anoint you with fresh oil. It is a time for you to be refreshed, renewed and revived. Up, up, up, says the Lord. You have been on the same plateau long enough and as you now look up with greater vision, come up! Shake off the resistance of the unknown and quiet your fears. I never do anything out of order, but I will shake things up, shake things off you, and shake you free of that which is keeping you stuck at the level you have been, says the Lord.

Do not trust in the box that keeps you from new things, says the Lord. I will break you loose, break you free, and give you the breakthrough you have longed for and cried out to Me for. Your order is not My order. New is new, and higher is higher, and you have not been this way before. Are you ready to move up? Up, up and away. For the sky is not the limit. The spectacular is not for spectators but the whosoever that will be a partaker of My glory. It is time to climb up to the new level in My presence, power, and anointing that will take you into new places in Me so that you will be equipped to fulfill all of the good works that I have called you to do, says the Lord.

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