Spectacular - Prophetic Light Prophecies


Spectacular is not a good enough description of Who I Am and what I can do and what I will do, says the Lord. But I will do spectacular things in the midst of you. I will wow you. I will astound you. I will do the magnificent that defies description, cannot be compared to the past things you witnessed and heard about, and is uncharted. I will do the unimaginable! I will do what you never dreamed, never heard of, and never envisioned. For why should I just do the old and perform in the same way? Why should I just confine Myself to duplicating what I have already done, or show you what has already been seen, or give you what has already been given? I Am bigger than that, says the Lord.

You have asked Me to revive. I will revive, says the Lord. You have even studied how I have revived and moved in that past, and longed for a redo on My part. But that is history. I have new ways, and new plans, and new displays of My glory. Look forward to the new and not the old. I have awed in the past. Did you think that is the formula for your present or future? What I did is done. What I will do is new. I have great things that are unthinkable as I put Myself on display and perform in new ways that will more than shake things up, more than remove things, more than demand attention. Can you handle the new? Handle Me and believe! Do you need the approval of others as they want to confine you to the old? Be open for that which I will do, and let Me be the Lord of revival, renewal, and restoration. For I Am the Lord of the harvest. The new is near, and the new is what I will do, and you will not have anything to compare it with. I will reveal Myself in a greater way and move in a new, spectacular way, to perform My greater works in the midst of you, says the Lord.

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