Turn Your Ear Toward Me - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Turn Your Ear Toward Me

Turn your ear toward Me, says the Lord. Hear and obey what I Am speaking. Turn off the voice of the enemy that wants to cause you to have tormenting fear and persistent doubt. The enemy never has anything good to say, and he never does anything good. He will only bring darkness and defeat. He will only weaken and impoverish. He will only attempt to seduce you and rob you of your peace and joy. You need not give any heed to his negativity, and do not repeat his lies. For he cannot speak the truth, and will never be able to benefit anyone. Shut him out and shut off the voice of the dark one. Give him no place, for he is not entitled to any part of your life, says the Lord.

Your life belongs to Me, as you have trusted in Me as your Savior and Lord. I have a voice, and I Am speaking. You will not hear Me condemning you. You will not hear My voice scolding you or threatening you. I will not speak ill of My children that I have redeemed by My own blood. I have good thoughts that I think of you, and good things reserved for you. I will bring you higher, not lower. I will comfort you, not wound you. I will heal you, not sicken you. I will rescue you, not put you in bondage. Hear My voice and know that I Am the giver of all good gifts, and I daily load you with benefits, not problems and difficulties. My goodness is Good, and My mercy is merciful. My kindness is Kind, and My love is not destructive. I will build you up, hold you up, comfort you and give you peace. It is My love for you that I want you to focus on, and My voice that speaks sweet peace to you all the time, says the Lord.

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