Wait on Me

Wait on Me, for delay in your eyes is not denial says the Lord. I Am not oblivious of your concerns. I know everything about you and know what you have need of before you even know and before you can ask. Don’t rush ahead of times that I have prescribed for your life. For I have not and will not withhold anything good from you as you entrust Me with your life and destiny. Give Me your full trust, for I Am dependable and trustworthy all the time. I will not destroy your destiny and purpose, but I will authorize it, plan it, provision it, prepare you for it, and propel you into it without any difficulties or postponements. For I have the purposes for your life in My hands that created you, and I cannot deny My own Word concerning you. I cannot alter My plan, and I will not only be the cause and effect, but I will fully complete the work that I have begun in you. I will beautify you. I will empower you. I will equip you. I will instruct you. I will lead you and guide you continually. I will make things fit in the right places for you, and you will fit into your purpose, fully ready and able to do that which I have purposed for your life, says the Lord.

Trust in the process and the timing that I have set forth, says the Lord. For everything is always on schedule. Nothing can hinder Me or stop Me, and you will not be stoppable either. For I have you. I will open wide My hand and bless you and give you all that you need and desire as you make Me your choice! Yes, choose Me. Choose My higher ways. For your vision is much smaller than Mine for you, and your plans are small, compared to Mine. You will have My higher ways and thoughts for your life as you relinquish your own and let Me handle everything. You will not need to look for missing links or wonder what to do next as you follow Me and let Me bring you into your personal promised land of blessings, says the Lord.

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