Encouragement - Prophetic Light Prophecies


I Am not the author of discouragement, but I will finish it, says the Lord.  I will eradicate it. I will fill you with the antidote of encouragement as I under gird you, comfort you, and propel you into the new that I have for you. I do not give you a rehash of your past. You need not eat wormy left over manna of the past. For what was is history and that is not your now and new. What is done is done, and you will arise above and beyond your past experiences and ascend into greater heights of My glory, says the Lord.

Disappointment is not what I Am dishing up for you to eat either, says the Lord. I have new bread on the table, a new and Living Word for you with a new focus and a new and better way. You do not need a formula or form, and you do not need to do the same things over and over again. New is absolutely new and refreshing, and it is not an experiment. I Am not testing something out on you to see if it will work. I already know what is good and workable, and I need not test you. For I have prepared you for this place and put you where you are to move into a new dimension of My power. Receive the new that is far better than the old, for it is exciting and adventuresome and exhilarating. You are not going to be depressed and bored, but revived and prepared to impact many for My kingdom, says the Lord.

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