I Will Give You My Wisdom - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Give You My Wisdom

I will give you My wisdom just for the asking, says the Lord. You are not without good counsel, for I Am your counselor. I do not give you a list of options for you to choose from, but I always show you exactly what you need to do. I Am faithful to you. I will not ignore the cry of your heart, and I Am your constant companion and helper. Trust in Me at all times. I will never bring confusion into your life. I will answer you and give you clarity, for I will not speak to you in riddles. Listen to My still small voice within you. For I Am not silent. I Am speaking. All those who love Me will hear My voice that is directive, and follow Me, says the Lord.

Your problems are not too difficult for Me, says the Lord. I have the answers to the most troubling circumstances that you will encounter. They are easy for Me, and I will make a way for you where there is no way. There is a way out, and there is a way up, and there is a way over for you. I will create a place for you and make all things new. I do not have to renovate the old and fix the obsolete, for new is new, and I need nothing to create something new for you. I know what you need, and I will supply it, and I will be all that you need. For I created all things that exist with My mouth, and there is nothing that I cannot do. Lift up those hands that hang down and lift up your voice in praise to Me, for you are My child, and I will never forget you or turn My back on you. I Am your provider and your helper, and My counsel that I give you will bring you success, and the answers that I give you are always answers of peace, says the Lord.

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