I Will Honor You as You Honor Me

I will honor you as you honor Me, says the Lord. As you give Me first place in your life, I will keep you up front and close to Me. As you place a priority on the things that please Me and stay close to My heart, I will grant your highest heart’s desires. As you spend time in My presence, My presence will go before you, and I will give you peace. I will give you rest. I will give you unspeakable joy. I will press My presence into you, and you will have sustainable joy and peace. You will be blessed beyond measure as you continually seek Me. There will be no end to discovery of the richness of My glory that I have reserved for you to enjoy that will empower you for your purpose and enrich you in eternal things that no amount of money can buy, and no power can take away from you, says the Lord.

Place a premium on the higher things, the eternal things that cannot be taken away from you, and you will be provisioned in the lesser, temporal things as well, says the Lord. I will give you the increase in both the spiritual and physical realm, and you will see this as a double portion with a double blessing. I have only good things in store for you, and will not withhold them from you as you cast your total care upon Me. I will not only protect you and provision you, but I will take care of those you love as you entrust them to Me as well. You will not be disappointed if you relinquish the controls of life to me, for My ways are higher than yours, and as I have My way in your life, it will be superior to your way. As you follow My lead, you will be blessed far beyond any other way that you could take. I will hear and answer your prayers as you come to Me with steadfast hope in Me and do not waver in your trust in Me. I have you in the palm of My hands where you are safe and secure, and I will use you for My glory in My kingdom that is without end, and bring you into your highest purpose, as you continue to take the steps that I orders, and walk with Me, says the Lord.

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