I Will Mend Your Broken Heart - Prophetic Light Prophecies
He Heals the Broken Heart

I Will Mend Your Broken Heart

I will mend your broken heart and restore your joy, says the Lord. For I will comfort you and cause you to dream again. You have abandoned your dreams and have forgotten your vision as the cares of this life have clouded them over. But I will lift the dark clouds of despair and give you renewed hope. I will pour out My grace upon you and cause the well spring within you to rise up and bubble over again, says the Lord.

For your days have been long and wearisome, and the nights have been restless as you have tossed and turned with concerns that have plagued your mind, says the Lord. But lift up your head and hold it high. For I have decreed good things over your life. I have purposed. I have planned. I will implement that which I have desired for you, and the enemy will not be able to keep you back from My blessings. I have rebuked the dark one and will pour out My favor and grace upon you. You will no longer weep through the night, but sing and rejoice in Me for My goodness and mercy that will be manifest to you, as I restore you, says the Lord.

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