I Will Multiply You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Multiply You

I will multiply you, says the Lord. I will divide as well. I will sever and separate as I do the chaff from the wheat, the darkness from the light, day from the night, deceit from the truth. For I will sever with the sword of My Spirit and remove that which is unprofitable for you and My kingdom purposes. I will cut you free from the illegitimate voices, the false truces, the lying spirits, and the manipulative and abusive alliances. I will separate you from the common and ordinary, and make you a holy offering onto Me, says the Lord.

I will multiply My blessings upon you, says the Lord. Did not I say I will make one a thousand and two, ten thousand? Am I not able to give you the increase and enlarge you? I can, and I will. I will set you aside for My purpose, fill you with My glory, and My light and life will be in you. You will not be hid, for I will make your light brighter and brighter. You will not just have hope in Me, but I will bring others to your light that is in Me, and you will give them hope. You will be a beacon of hope that is not empty, but full of My power and My Spirit and My life and My light! I will multiply you and also separate you as I sever you out of the darkness,and bring you into My radiant light, and multiply and expand you for My kingdom and glory, says the Lord.

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