I Will Shut the Lion's Mouth - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Shut the Lion’s Mouth

I will not be mocked, says the Lord. Can anyone rail against Me and get away with it? Can anyone open up his mouth and speak against Me? I cannot be defied, and none will suppress My word and work. You will reap what you have sown! The good seeds that you planted will not reap a failed harvest. For I said you will have a harvest of good things, and I meant it! My Word stands, uncontested and undefeated. Again I say, I cannot be mocked, and neither will you be. For I will shut the lion’s mouth and silence his accusations against you. I will rage against the enemy that has raged against you. I will taunt him and mock him and scorn him and embarrass him openly that has made a joke out of you, says the Lord.

For you will no longer be the rejected, the refused, the despised, and the overlooked. My light will be seen in you, and My favor will rest upon you. You will be sought after, and the place of your dwelling will not be sufficient for the sons and daughters that I give you. You will break out on the left and the right as I expand you and give you the increase. I will even give an increase of the increase as people look on with their hands over their mouths, wondering how these things can be. I will accuse the accusers, mock the mockers, condemn those who condemn My servants, and bring their prideful works to the ground for all to witness, as I cause you to rise and shine, for My light has come. Yes, My glory and light shall be seen in you, and I will bring you into the fullness of My blessings, and you will be endued with My power from on high, and My excellent Spirit will be in you, and I will be glorified in the midst of you, says the Lord.

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