Chosen for My Purpose

You will be blessed to be a blessing, says the Lord.  My light and My life is in you, and it is abundant.  It becomes you, for your life is hid in Me, absorbed by Me, so that I Am seen and I Am heard and I Am on display.  I have given you My Spirit that it may flow out of you and into the environs to make a difference.  My light in you will extinguish the darkness, invade the enemy camp and destroy his weapons and defeat his diabolical purposes, says the Lord.

I have called you to be as I Am, says the Lord.  You are chosen for My purpose and My kingdom that is without end.  My Work is your work.  I have appointed you to  loose those who are bound and set them free.   Open the prison doors of those held in captivity and do as I do. For it is by My Spirit in you that I will empower you to be a mighty warrior of valor, so that you too will destroy the works of the devil,  conquer the land, and raise up My banner, as you possess new territories for My kingdom, says the Lord.

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