I Will Open Doors For You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Open Doors For You

I will open doors for you and you will receive the new of the new, says the Lord.   For I make all things new. The new is better than the old. I will take you out of your comfort zone and bring you into the unknown. Fear Not. It is known to Me. I have already been there, preparing every person, place and thing for you. Walk by faith and trust in Me as I enlighten your path and give you everything you need. Take My hand and let Me do the leading. Follow Me and My lead that will never steer you in the wrong direction, says the Lord.

I will embrace you and keep you steady on your feet as you hold onto My unfailing hand, says the Lord. You will not fall nor fail. For new is new and the new is better than the old. You will not need to repeat, for that which was is only a preparation for what is now and what will be. Steps are only steps, and as you walk in the light of My glory and walk in faith and trust in Me, and walk with Me,  you will never be disappointed or fall. For failure is not what I have planned for you. Falling is not of Me, says the Lord.

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