God is Faithful! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am your God that does all things perfectly, and there is nothing missing and nothing that needs improvement in what I do and will give to you, says the Lord. All that I have for you has already been completed by My finished work on the cross for you. It has been appropriated, and it is perfect. My perfect peace awaits you now. Your unrest is not My gift to you. Peace awaits, as a result of your perfect trust in Me. Trust in Me! Look onto Me and that which I have spoken, that which I have promised, and that which I have already given you. For My Word is the absolute authority, not your circumstances. The words of man, though stout and authoritative, manipulative and controlling, cannot override Mine, says the Lord.

Circumstances will come, and they will go! I remain, faithful to you in all of them, says the Lord. I remain your foundation. I remain your peace. I remain your strength. I remain your security. I remain your stability. I remain your source, your shield, your provider. I do not lie, My Word is a sure Word, and I will honor your faith and trust in Me. Do not waver in this, regardless of the winds and waves of adversity. Remember what you have already endured, and how I have brought you through past difficulties. They were tests and trials that you successfully passed. I proved Myself to you again, and again, and again. Trust! Believe! Learn from your past, and endure these present trials, as you lean on Me! I remain the same, says the Lord.

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