Don’t Let Disappointments Blind You From Seeing Your Blessings

Do not let your disappointment blind you from seeing your blessings, says the Lord. For I Daily load you with benefits. Stop looking at how people have failed to keep their promises, and they did only evil to you, when you did good things for them. They are not your reward. I Am! I keep very good records, and your labors in Me will be rewarded! Nothing is wasted, even if it seems like that to you. I will not have you wasted, either! For I have invested in you, My own Spirit, and I have declared before the host of heaven that you belong to Me. I will see to it that your labor of love for Me and your investment in others is not empty and void, but will produce good things, says the Lord.

Love is never failing, says the Lord. Do not let your disappointments in others stop you from Love. Let your love be unfeigned, regardless of theirs. For I have loved you with an everlasting love, and given you My love to invest. Just as My love is unchanging, undeniable, and perfect, let that mind be in you. For you can love, and you can forgive, and you can move forward in Me, Who is your shield, and exceeding, great reward, and you will reap what you have sown, and there will be a harvest of your love and good works, regardless of the actions of others, says the Lord.

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