Be Faithful - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Be Faithful

Be faithful, even onto death, says the Lord. Do not look for the approval of others, for did not I say to beware when others speak well of you? For you cannot put your trust in the applause of man. My approval is your reward. I will reward those who diligently seek Me, and not only will they find Me, but they will find their destiny path and purpose in Me that is fulfilling and productive for My kingdom. The slothful will never find this path and will never be fully furnished onto every good work that I have ascribed for their lives. Promises will be performed for those who believe and keep on believing, no matter how long they have to wait on Me to fulfill them, says the Lord.

Be strong in your faith and trust in Me, says the Lord. For I will honor those who refuse to give up when things are not comfortable for them. The trying of your faith is not a mistake on My part. Endure these hardships so that you will not only become stronger, but a pillar in My church. I Am faithful and true, and you are to be like Me. Nothing is automatic, but a choice. I have called and chosen you. Choose Me. Choose to serve Me, and wait on Me, who will never disappoint you. I have only good plans and purposes for you, and as you fully trust in Me, I will fulfill them and use you mightily for My glory, for My kingdom that is everlasting, says the Lord.

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