Bountiful Harvest of Good Things

Your good works and labor of love for Me and My kingdom has come up before Me as a memorial, says the Lord. I will reward you openly for even the things that you forgot that you did! I recorded them all, and I will not overlook them. I will not be mocked! You will have a bountiful harvest of the good things that you have sown, and you will rejoice. Your days of mourning will be over. For the things you have longed for, the things that you have desired for a long time, will be given to you, says the Lord.

I will even do better than that, says the Lord. I will give you what you did not even ask Me for. I will load you with unexpected benefits, and reveal to you the hidden treasures that I have held in reserve for you. I will shock you with My goodness and mercy, as I pour out My blessings upon you. As the darkness disappears as the sun rises in the morning, there will be the dawning of a new day for you. For I Am your exceeding, great reward, to give you excessive blessings that cannot be contained. You will know that your labor for Me is not in vain, as I grant your highest heart’s desire, and suddenly turn things around for you, says the Lord.

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