Be Faithful! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Didn’t I say that in the last days there would be a great falling away? Did you think that you would not see this happening? Though it is a straight and narrow way that few find, be one of them who will remain steadfast and unmovable, always abounding in My work, says the Lord. Do not fall back, regardless of who else deserts Me. Do not even look back, as Lot’s wife did. For it is required for every steward to be found faithful! I remain faithful to you, and you will receive a crown of life and a sure reward for your labors of love for Me, if you remain faithful and true, even as I Am,  says the Lord.

I take no pleasure in those who turn back in fear and unbelief, says the Lord. But I delight in My beloved children who have determined to finish their course and keep the faith, regardless of the cost. I purchased you with My own blood and death on the cross, so that you might live forever with Me, and you will not be disappointed. What awaits you is beyond your imagination, and you will see Me, face to face, as I say to you, “Well done, My good and faithful servant. Enter into My everlasting joy that I have prepared for you before the foundation of the earth, says the Lord.

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