Enjoy Intimacy With Me - Prophetic Light

Enjoy Intimacy With Me

Do not lament over that which I do, for it is only going to tend to life, says the Lord. I will give you the increase of joy for your sorrow and wrap you with My garment of praise. I will sing a new song over you, for you are My beloved bride. Become the lover of My soul, as I Am the lover of your soul. You have My attention, and I will not turn my face away from you, My bride. For I Am captivated by your beauty. I Am captivated by your love for Me, says the Lord.

Enter into the secret place and enjoy intimacy with Me, says the Lord. I will pour out My love upon you. I will pour out My Spirit in you, and I will pour out My Holy Spirit and My fire. I will revive, refresh, restore. My love for you is an unquenchable fire. My Holy Spirit will refresh you, excite you, fill you, empower you, and give you great joy. Come close to Me and feel My embrace and experience My breath upon you. I will woo you and wow you, and you will never be the same again, says the Lord.

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