Do not fret about the future, says the Lord. It is in My hands. Do not fret about the past. It is not your destiny or purpose. You do not need to be stuck in the things that were, so that you cannot go forward in what is and is to come. Many have said that history only repeats itself, but I say that you will not be repeating the same things and redoing the things you want to correct and make over the imperfect things that are your history. Let go of it, and move forward. Forsake the pain and abandon any bitterness. Uproot all of it and remove these toxins now. For they will not bring you into the new level of joy that I have for you that awaits you as you let go and allow Me to give you a new and fresh beginning, says the Lord.
Forgive those who have harmed you and move forward, for I have forgiven you, says the Lord. I have not kept any record on your account of the things you did wrong and the decisions you made that were not according to My will and purpose and plan for you. That was then, and this is now. Receive My forgiveness and move past the condemnation that is not from Me. Walk in the new and better way that is before you. For today is a new day with a new step in a new vision and a new life. I have all new things for you that will propel you forward in the good plans and purposes that will unfold as you begin again to walk in the fullness of My Spirit and newness of life and light in Me, says the Lord.
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