Forgive and Forget - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Forgive and Forget

Stop fuming and fretting over the past, says the Lord. You cannot undo any of it. You cannot straighten anything that is crooked or change what others did against you. You have received My forgiveness for every sin you have confessed, and I have wiped the record of it out of My books. As you keep thinking of them, you will go in the direction your thoughts take you. Shut the door on the past. Close your mind to the errors that you made. Think on good things. Plan for success as you meditate on My Word that enlightens your path, and follow Me, says the Lord.

Forgive and forget the things others have done onto you, even as I have forgiven you, and move forward, says the Lord. Don’t allow bitterness and resentment to become a snare unto you. Your negative thoughts will imprison you. Even as I sent My angel to deliver My servant, Peter, out of prison, he had to be nudged to wake up and realize that the chains were loosed from him. I am nudging you. You are not shackled, chained, or bound. Wake up! Stand up! Gear up! Get your walking shoes on, and walk out of the prison of the past, and don’t look back. I have liberated you from what was, so you are able to see what is and will be! Good awaits as you forget those things that are behind, and press forward to the prize of the mark of the high calling in Me, says the Lord.

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